Christal Seas Scuba Ltd
Norfolk's Premier Scuba Diving Centre
62 Whiffler Road Norwich NR3 2AY
01603 485000 info@scuba4me.co.uk

DSAT Gas Blender

Gas Blender
The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is the most popular diver specialty course and the number of technical divers is on the rise, which means that lots of scuba divers want enriched air and gas blends.
The Tec Gas Blender course teaches you to blend enriched air nitrox and helium-blend gases using one or more blending methods.
What Will You Learn?
The Tec Gas Blender course includes three practical application sessions, but no dives. During independent study and instructor-led review, you learn:
About the advantages and disadvantages of different blending methodologies.
To blend enriched air and trimix blends to within one percent of the target mix.
About the potential hazards related to handling oxygen, and how to manage those risks.
To demonstrate the steps for oxygen cleaning equipment, along with the requirements for oxygen service.
Course Pre-requisites
If you’re a PADI Enriched Air Diver who is at least 18 years old, you can enroll in this course.
Knowledge Development
Similar to many PADI Tec-Rec courses, the Tec Gas Blender course is a self-study course.
You'll receive quality training materials from PADI, specifically designed to teach you what you need to know.
You'll then complete three theory and practical sessions with a qualified PADI Instructor will ensure that you fully understand the information.
Confined Water Dives
Open Water Dives
What's Included?
Theory session(s)
Practical application session(s)
PADI certification fee
We offer flexible course timetabling to meet your schedule and work with small groups to ensure personal tuition at all times.
How Much Does It Cost?